Writing & 7th Grade and Up
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7th Grade and Up
Writing prompt: A Dream (essay topic): Describe a dream that you've had. How did the dream make you feel?
Use this 'Inverted Triangle' printable worksheet to examine the structure of a newspaper article.
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Writing prompt: My Favorite Movie (essay topic): What is your favorite movie? Describe the characters, the story, and...
Write Biome-Related Definitions - For each biome-related word, the student writes what part of speech the word is, writes...
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Writing Checks #3: On this printable worksheet, the student writes a check to a company for a given amount and then...
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Brainstorming Worksheets to Print: For each letter of the following word, find words and phrases that are related to or...
Checks and Checkbooks: Learn How to Write Checks and Balance A Checkbook - EnchantedLearning.com.
Writing prompt: An Adventure: Write a page on an adventure that you would like to experience?
Writing Checks #1: On this printable worksheet, the student writes a check to a company for a given amount and then...
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Second-Third Grade Introduction to Research on the Internet - Fish Quiz
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