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You might also like: | Write Ten Things About Flowers | Plant Glossary: I | Label Simple Plant Anatomy Glossary | Label Sprouting Bean Diagram | Kapok Tree Printout | Today's featured page: Australian Animal Printouts |
Our subscribers' grade-level estimate for this page: 2nd - 3rd |
Plant Printouts |
Botany and Paleobotany Dictionary |
Plants |
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APPLESEED, JOHNNY Johnny Appleseed was an American man who spread apple trees through the USA. His real name was John Chapman, but he was called Johnny Appleseed because of his love for growing apple trees |
BULB A bulb is an underground stem, usually globular, that has fleshy leaves emerging from the top and roots emerging from the bottom. The fleshy leaves store food. Examples include the tulip, narcissus, and onion. |
Dicot Seed Label the dicot seed, icluding the embryo, hilum, micropyle, root (hypocotyl), seed coat (testa), seed leaf (cotyledon), and shoot (plumule). Answers |
Find a Plant Word for Each Letter See if you can think of and write down a plant-related word that starts with each letter of the alphabet. Or go to a sample answer page. |
Corn: Printable Read and Answer Worksheet A printable worksheet on corn, with text to read, labeled pictures, and questions to answer. Or go to the answers. |
FLOWER The flower is the reproductive unit of angiosperms. Flowers usually have carpels, petals, sepals, and stamens. Some flowers (called perfect flowers) have both male and female reproductive organs; some flowers (called imperfect flowers) have only male reproductive organs (stamens) or only female reproductive organs (ovary, style, and stigma). Some plants have both male and female flowers, while other have males on one plant and females on another. Complete flowers have a stamen, a pistil, petals, and sepals. Incomplete flowers lack one of these parts. |
Flower Anatomy - Label the Parts Read the definitions then label the flower parts. Answers |
Flowering Plant Life Cycle Sequencing Cards Cut out the four cards and arrange them so they show the life cycle of a flowering plant from seed to flower. |
Leaf: Printable Read and Answer Worksheet A printable worksheet on leaves, with a short text, a picture to label, diagrams to look at, and questions to answer. Or go to the answers. |
Kapok Tree Printout Learn about this very tall and useful tropical tree. |
Leaf External Anatomy - Label Me! Read the definitions then label the leaf. Answers |
Peanut Plant Printout Learn how a peanut grows underground, and color a peanut plant. |
Picture Prompt - Spring Flowers Write a story about the picture showing a growing daffodil, rain, and bees. |
Plant Anatomy Printout: Simple Label Me! Label the simple plant anatomy diagram using the glossary of plant terms. Words: leaf, flower, stem, root. Answers |
Plant Anatomy Printout: Label Me! Label the plant anatomy diagram using the glossary of plant terms. Answers |
Plant Cell Label the plant cell diagram using the glossary of plant cell terms. Answers |
Pumpkin Life Cycle Printout Follow the life cycle of the pumpkin from seed to flower to mature pumpkin. |
Pumpkin Plant Label the pumpkin vine diagram using the short glossary of terms. Answers |
Sprouting Bean Plant Label the newly-sprouted dicot plant. Answers |
Sprouting Bean Sequencing Cards Print and cut out the four cards that show the germination and early growth of a bean seed. Have the student put the four cards in order from seed to plant. |
Tropical Rainforest Strata Printout Label the strata (layers) of the tropical rainforest. Answers |
The Seasons There are four seasons in the year: winter, spring, summer, and fall (also called autumn). |
Tree Word Pieces Puzzle In this puzzle, combine pairs of word segments to make tree-related spelling words. Words: bark, branch, canonpy, cone, grove, leaves, rings, root, seeds, trunk, twig, wood. Or go to the answers. |
Tree Anatomy Printout: Label Me! Label the parts of a tree. Answers |
Tree Anatomy Printout: Label Me! (Simple Version) Label the parts of a tree. Answers |
Write Flower-Related Definitions In this worksheet, write the definition of a word, what part of speech it is, and use it in a sentence. Words: sepal, stamen, anther, stigman, filament, pistil, style, pollen, ovary, germinate. Or go to the answers. Or go to a pdf of the questions and answers (subscribers only). |
![]() Tulip Acrostic Poem Write a poem about tulips. Start each line with a letter from the word "TULIP." |
Plant Books to Print:
Apple Shape Book A short book about apples to print, with pages on Johnny Appleseed, how to say apple in many languages, the seasons to label, apple facts, and apple questions. |
Colorful Flowers Printable Book A short, printable book for early readers about the colors and flowers, featuring a yellow daffodil, purple crocus, white lily, red tulip, pink rose, blue bluebells, and a green bud. |
Flower Words Mini Book A Printable Writing Book A tiny, printable book about simple words related to flowers -- for early readers and writers. The book has 2 pages to print and makes 8 pages for the student to cut out, color, and write in. The words are: rose, lily, daisy, zinnia, crocus, tulip, and "Can you think of another flower word? |
Flower Activity Book Printable Book A short, printable book for fluent readers about the flowers, including: connect the dots, solve a maze, fill in the blanks of a flower anatomy picture, match the bluebells, finish the daffodil drawing, unscramble the flower-related words, do a word search puzzle, and finish a word path activity. |
How Many Apples? Printable Number Book A short, printable book for early readers, about apples and the numbers from 1 to 10, with pages for the student to cut out, items to count and color, and a short phrase to copy. |
Leaf Color Book A short book about colors to print for early readers, with pages for the student to color and write a short phrase. |
Leaf Shape Book A short book about leaves to print, with pages on leaf anatomy, a maple maze, match the leaves, leaf facts, and leaf questions. |
How Many Leaves? Printable Activity Book A short, printable book about the numbers from 1 to 10 for early readers, with pages for the student to cut out, items to count and color, and a short phrase to copy. |
![]() Plants Tiny Picture Dictionary A short, printable picture dictionary of the plant words -- for early readers. The student cuts out the pages, staples them together, then writes each word in the tiny book. The words are: flower, grass, leaf, roots, seed, sprout, tree, trunk, twig, vine, and think of another plant word. |
Plant Words Mini Book A Printable Writing Book A tiny, printable book about simple words related to plants -- for early readers and writers. The book has 2 pages to print and makes 8 pages for the student to cut out, color, and write in. The words are: leaf, tree, flower, roots, trunk, branch and "Can you think of another plant word?" |
Pumpkin Shape Book A short book about pumpkins to print, with pages on the pumpkin's life cycle, a pumpkin maze, draw a jack-o'-lantern, pumpkin facts, and pumpkin questions. |
How Many Pumpkins? Printable Activity Book A short, printable book about the numbers from 1 to 10 for early readers, with pages for the student to cut out, items to count and color, and a short phrase to copy. |
I See ... Pumpkin to Jack-O'Lantern Printable Activity Book A short, printable book about a pumpkin turning into a jack-o'lantern - for early readers. The book has pages for the student to cut out, read, color and copy a short phrase. The pages are about being big, orange, having a stem, 2 eyes, a nose, a mouth, and being a jack-o'lantern. |
Sprouting Bean Shape Book A short printable shape book for early readers about the germination and early growth of a bean seed. |
Cloze Activities (Fill-in-the-Blanks) - Printouts:
Apple Cloze A fill-in-the blanks printout all about apples. |
![]() George Washington Carver Cloze A fill-in-the blanks printout about the life of George Washington Carver, the scientist who revolutionized agriculture in the southern USA. |
Bee Cloze A fill-in-the blanks printout about bees, important pollinators of flowering plants. |
Art Coloring Pages with Flowers:
Van Gogh: Flower Beds A coloring page based on the Vincent Van Gogh painting "Flower Beds in Holland." Or paint it online. |
Color by Number Printouts:
Daisies: Color by Number |
Flowers: Color by Number |
Sunflowers: Color by Number |
Tulips: Color by Number |
Plant Terms in Many Languages:
Fruit in English Label the orange, lemon, apple, strawberry, watermelon, avocado, banana, pear, cherry, and grapes in English. Answers |
Fruit in French Label the orange, lemon, apple, strawberry, watermelon, avocado, banana, pear, cherry, and grapes in French. Answers |
Fruit in German Label the orange, lemon, apple, strawberry, watermelon, avocado, banana, pear, cherry, and grapes in German. Answers |
Fruit in Italian Label the orange, lemon, apple, strawberry, watermelon, avocado, banana, pear, cherry, and grapes in Italian. Answers |
Fruit in Spanish Label the orange, lemon, apple, strawberry, watermelon, avocado, banana, pear, cherry, and grapes in Spanish. Answers |
Tree in English Label the parts of a tree. Answers |
Tree in French Label the tree in French. Answers |
Tree in German Label the tree in German. Answers |
Tree in Italian Label the tree in Italian. Answers |
Tree in Spanish Label the tree in Spanish. Answers |
Vegetables in English Label the peas, potato, celery, carrot, pumpkin, onion, cucumber, corn, broccoli, mushroom, and tomato in English. Answers |
Vegetables in French Label the peas, potato, celery, carrot, pumpkin, onion, cucumber, corn, broccoli, mushroom, and tomato in French. Answers |
Vegetables in German Label the peas, potato, celery, carrot, pumpkin, onion, cucumber, corn, broccoli, mushroom, and tomato in German. Answers |
Vegetables in Italian Label the peas, potato, celery, carrot, pumpkin, onion, cucumber, corn, broccoli, mushroom, and tomato in Italian. Answers |
Vegetables in Spanish Label the peas, potato, celery, carrot, pumpkin, onion, cucumber, corn, broccoli, mushroom, and tomato in Spanish. Answers |
Printouts of Plant Growth Charts:
Plant Growth Chart Diagram Printout 1 Plant, 15 Days Chart the growth and note observations of 1 plant over 15 days using this graphic organizer. |
Plant Growth Chart Diagram Printout 5 Plants, 15 Days Chart the growth of 5 plants over 15 days using this graphic organizer. |
Plant Growth Slant Chart Diagram Printout 5 Plants, 15 Days Chart the growth of 5 plants over 15 days using this graphic organizer. |
Plant Report Chart #1 In this printable graphic organizer, the student can organize facts about a plant for a report, including common and species name, plant type, climate/biome, locations, physical features, uses of the plant, and a drawing of the plant. Or go to a pdf of the worksheet. |
Plant Report Chart #2 In this printable graphic organizer, the student can organize facts about a plant for a report, including common and species name, plant type, climate/biome, locations, physical features, soil type, uses of the plant, and a drawing of the plant. Or go to a pdf of the worksheet. |
Plant Printouts |
Botany and Paleobotany Dictionary |
Plants |
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