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In this short, printable book, learn about compound words and do fill-in-the-blanks, matching, and spelling activities.
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Extra Information
In this short, printable book, learn about compound words and do fill-in-the-blanks, matching, and spelling activities.
~ Content: Cover page. 1. Fill in the missing letters in the compound words. 2. Using a word bank, fill in the blanks to make compound words. 3. Draw a line from each word on the left to a word on the right to make a compound word. 4. Write the compound word for each picture. 5. Write a compound word for as many letters of the alphabet as you can. 6. Draw a line from each word on the left to a word in the middle to make a compund word. Then draw a line from each word in the middle to a word ont he right to make another compound word. 7. Fill in each missing word to make two compound words.