People and Occupations
An actor is someone who performs a role in a play or a movie.
An archer shoots an arrow with a bow.

An army is a unified group of people who are trained to fight on land.
An artist creates works of art.
Someone who is good at a sport is an athlete.
A baby is a very young person.
A baker bakes food in the oven, like breads, cakes, and cookies.
A ballerina is a woman who does ballet dancing.
A boy is a young man.

Brothers are boys or men who have the same parents.
A bully is person who is mean to others.
A champion is the winner of a game or other competition.
A child is a young person.
Children are young people.
Dad is another word for father.
A daughter is a female offspring.
Divers swim under the water.
A doctor can help you when you’re sick or hurt.
An emperor is an unelected ruler of a country.
An explorer explores unknown places and discovers new things. For example, Magellan was an explorer who led the first expedition that sailed around the Earth.
A family is a group of related people.
A father is a man who has a child.
A firefighter is a person who puts out fires and saves people’s lives.
Friends are people who like and respect each other.
A girl is a young woman.
The father of your father or mother is your grandfather.
The mother of your father or mother is your grandmother.
Grandparents are grandmothers and grandfathers.
An heir is a person who has inherited or will inherit something of value.
An heiress is a girl or woman who has inherited or will inherit a lot of money.
A hero is someone who is admired for great courage, noble character, and performing good deeds, like a firefighter.
A human being is a person.
A husband is a married man.
I is a word that refers to the person who is speaking or writing.
An infant is a baby.
An inventor designs and creates new, useful things.
A janitor is someone who looks after and cleans a building.
A jester was an entertainer for royalty during the Middle Ages.
A kid is a young person.
Kin are your relatives.
A king is a hereditary ruler of a country.
A lady is a woman.
Librarians take care of libraries and help people find books.
A magician performs magic tricks.
Me is a word that refers to the person who is speaking or writing.
Mom is another word for mother.
A mother is a woman who has a child.
A mummy is a preserved dead body.
A nurse takes care of you when you are sick or hurt.
A paleontologist is a scientist who studies ancient life (like dinosaurs), mostly by looking at fossils.
People are human beings.
A person is a human being.
A pioneer is a person who is the first to do something, like settle in a new area or do research.
A pitcher is someone who throws a ball or other item.
The police enforce laws and keep order.
A president is the elected leader of a country or organization.
A prince is the son of a king or queen.
A princess is the daughter of a king or queen.
A pupil is a student, a person who is learning.

Quadruplets are four siblings (brothers and/or sisters) who are born at the same time from the same mother.
A queen is a hereditary ruler of a country.

Quintuplets are five siblings (brothers and/or sisters) who are born at the same time from the same mother.
Samurai were Japanese warriors.
Scuba divers swim under the water and carry their own air in a tank on their back.

Sisters are girls or women who have the same parents.
A soldier is a person who fights for a country.
A son is a male offspring.
A student is a person who is learning.
A teacher is someone who helps you learn.

A team is a group of people that work together towards a goal.
Toddlers are young children.

Triplets are three siblings (brothers and/or sisters) who are born at the same time.

Twins are two siblings (brothers and/or sisters) who are born at the same time.
Us is a word that means yourself and others.
A veteran is a person who has had experience in an occupation. For example, ex-soldiers are often called veterans - especially those who have served in a war.
We is a word that means yourself and others.
A wife is a married woman.
Girls grow up to be women.
You is a word that refers to another person or persons.
A youngster is a young person.