Winter-Related Words
Autumn is the season between summer and winter. Another name for autumn is fall.
Boots are a type of shoe. Boots covers part of the lower leg.
A calendar lets you know what day it is.
A chimney is a structure in which you can build a fire.
Clouds are white or gray object that floats in the air and contains tiny water drops or ice particles.
A coat helps you keep warm when it is cold.
A cocoon is a silky covering made by a caterpillar. The cocoon protects the developing moth.
We shiver when it is cold.
December is the twelfth month of the year.
Dreidel is a game played at Hanukkah.
Earmuffs keep your ears warm.
An evergreen plant doesn’t lose its leaves in the winter.
Fall is the season between summer and winter. Another name for fall is autumn.
February is the second month of the year.
You can make a fire in a fireplace to keep you warm.
A fir is an evergreen tree; it doesn’t lose its leaves in the winter.
Gingerbread is a spicy cookie. Gingerbread men and gingerbread women are cookies shaped like little people.
A glacier is a large, slowly-moving river of ice.

Balls of ice that fall from clouds are called hail or hailstones.
Some hats keep your head warm. Some hats are just for fun!
Some animals hibernate during winter; they go into a very deep sleep-like state during freezing weather. They awaken only when the weather warms.
A holiday is a time to celebrate. Some holidays are New Year’s, Mother’s Day, Veteran’s Day, Independence Day, and Thanksgiving Day.
Holly is a tree with pointy leaves and red berries.
Ice is frozen water.
An iceberg is a huge chunk of ice that floats in the sea. Most of an iceberg is hidden under the water.
When you wear ice skates, you can glide across ice.
Icicles are hanging ice that are formed from dripping water.
An igloo is a house made out of blocks of ice. Brr!
A jacket is a short coat.
January is the first month of the year.
Sweaters and socks are made by knitting.
Kwanzaa is a holiday that honors African-American culture. Kwanzaa is celebrated from December 26 until January 1. The word “Kwanzaa” means “first fruits” in Swahili
A log is a short piece of a tree trunk.
Mittens keep your hands warm.
The beginning of a year is called the New Year. People often celebrate on this day. A year consists of 12 months, 52 weeks, or 365 days.
A nightgown is a long, loose garment worn to bed.
The North Pole is the northernmost place on Earth. There is no land at the North Pole, but there is a layer of ice on top of the Arctic Ocean around the pole.
An overcoat will keep you warm when it is cold.
Polar bears are large meat-eaters live in the far north. They have clear-colored hair and black skin.
Quilts keep you warm at night.
Reindeer live in the far north.
You can tie a bow in a ribbon to decorate something.
A scarf is a piece of cloth that people wear around their neck or on their head.
There are four seasons in the year: winter, spring, summer, and fall (also called autumn).
Shovels are used to dig. A snow shovel is used to clear away snow.
When you ski, you glide over snow or water.

Sleet is freezing rain.
Snow is flakes of frozen water that fall from clouds when it is very cold.
Snowflakes are made of snow - they are crystals. No two snowflakes look alike, but they all have six sides.
The snow goose is a migratory bird from North America.
Snowmen are figures made from snow. They melt when the weather gets warm.
The snowy owl is a white owl that lives in the North American tundra (a cold, snowy environment).
Spring is the season after winter and before summer.
A storm is very bad weather, like a blizzard or a thunderstorm.
Weather is the state that the outdoors is in, like how windy it is, how hot or cold it is, or if it is raining or snowing.

The wind is air that blows outside.
Winter is the season between fall and spring. In the Northern Hemisphere, winters are cold; in the Southern Hemisphere, they are warm.
Sweaters are made out of yarn.
A year consists of 12 months, 52 weeks, or 365 days.