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All | Alphabetical Anagrams | Anagrams By Number of Letters | Anagrams By Number of Words in Each Group | Anagrams by Topic | Anagram Phrases | Worksheets |
2-Letter Words | 3-Letter Words | 4-Letter Words | 5-Letter Words | 6-Letter Words | 7-Letter Words | 8-Letter Words | 9-Letter Words | 10-Letter Words |
Anagrams by Number of Letters in the Anagram
2-Letter Anagrams:
am ma |
it ti |
on no |
3-Letter Anagrams:
apt pat tap |
are ear era |
arm mar ram |
art rat tar |
asp pas sap spa |
ate eat eta tea |
bat stab tab |
now own won |
opt pot top |
own now won |
4-Letter Anagrams:
abed bade bead |
abet beat beta |
abut tabu tuba |
acme came mace |
acre care race |
ales leas sale seal |
amen mane mean name |
anew wane wean |
arcs cars scar |
asps pass saps spas |
awls laws slaw |
bard brad drab |
bats stab tabs |
brag garb grab |
code coed deco |
dale deal lade lead |
dare dear read |
diet edit tide tied |
demo dome mode |
diet edit tide tied |
does dose odes |
dues sued used |
ears eras sear |
east eats sate seat teas |
elan lane lean |
eons nose ones |
emit item mite time |
evil live veil vile |
flow fowl wolf |
gnus guns snug sung |
goer gore ogre |
gust guts tugs |
hoes hose shoe |
hops posh shop |
gory gyro orgy |
hare hear rhea |
inks sink skin |
ires rise sire |
kale lake leak |
lair liar rail |
lame male meal |
last salt slat |
late tale teal |
leap pale peal plea |
lips lisp slip |
list silt slit |
loop polo pool |
lots lost slot |
mast mats tams |
mate meat tame team |
mesa same seam |
nape neap pane |
naps pans snap span |
nets nest sent tens |
nope open peon pone |
opts post pots stop tops |
owns snow sown |
pars raps rasp spar |
part rapt trap |
past pats spat taps |
pest pets step |
paws swap wasp |
raps rasp spar |
rite tier tire |
stew wets wets |
stow tows twos |
sway ways yaws |
5-Letter Anagrams:
abets baste betas beast beats |
acres cares races scare |
alert alter later |
angel angle glean |
ascot coats coast tacos |
aster rates stare taser tears |
baker brake break |
bared beard bread debar |
begin being binge |
below bowel elbow |
bores robes sober |
capes paces space |
caret cater crate trace |
cider cried dicer |
claps clasp scalp |
cruel lucre ulcer |
dater rated trade tread |
dates sated stead |
deist diets edits sited tides |
dowry rowdy wordy |
drawer redraw reward warder warred |
earns nears saner snare |
earth hater heart |
emits items mites smite times |
ester reset steer terse trees |
ether there three |
hares hears rheas share shear |
heaps phase shape |
heros hoers horse shore |
lapse leaps pales peals pleas sepal |
leapt petal plate pleat |
least slate stale steal tales teals |
limes miles slime smile |
liter litre relit tiler |
loops polos pools sloop spool |
lopes poles slope |
manes manse means names |
mates meats steam tames teams |
merit mitre remit timer |
nails slain snail |
noter toner tenor |
notes onset stone tones |
paled pedal plead |
panel penal plane |
pares parse pears reaps spare spear |
parts strap traps |
parse spare spear |
paste tapes peats septa spate |
pelts slept spelt |
piers pries spire |
pines snipe spine |
pinto piton point |
pores poser prose ropes spore |
reins resin rinse risen siren |
reset steer terse trees |
rites tiers tires tries |
saint satin stain |
salve slave vales veals |
serve sever veers verse |
sinew swine wines wisens |
skate stake steak takes teaks |
state taste teats |
steer reset trees |
weird wired wider |
6-Letter Anagrams:
actors costar castor |
actress casters recasts |
airmen marine remain |
antler learnt rental |
arches chaser search |
arrest rarest raters starer |
artist strait traits |
ascent secant stance |
asleep elapse please |
assert asters stares |
barely barley bleary |
bleats stable tables |
bluest bluets bustle sublet subtle |
caller cellar recall |
canter nectar recant trance |
carets caters caster crates reacts recast traces |
corset escort sector |
danger gander garden ranged |
dater rated trade tread |
daters trades treads stared |
dearth hatred thread |
deigns design signed singed |
deltas lasted slated |
denter rented tender |
desert deters rested |
detail dilate tailed |
detour routed toured |
diaper paired repaid |
direst driest stride |
doters sorted stored |
drapes padres parsed rasped spared spread |
duster rudest rusted |
earned endear neared |
emoter meteor remote |
endive envied veined |
enlist inlets listen silent tinsel |
enters nester resent tenser |
esprit priest sprite stripe |
filets itself stifle |
filter lifter trifle |
forest fortes foster softer |
gilder girdle glider |
ideals ladies sailed |
lament mantel mantle mental |
lapse leaps pales peals sepal |
lemons melons solemn |
lisper perils pliers |
lister liters litres relist tilers |
livers silver sliver |
looped poodle pooled |
marines remains seminar |
master stream tamers |
merits mister miters mitres remits timers |
naive ravine vainer |
observe obverse verbose |
palest pastel petals plates pleats staple |
paltry partly raptly |
parley pearly player replay |
parses passer spares sparse spears |
pintos piston pitons points |
rashes shares shears |
reigns resign signer singer |
rescue recuse secure |
resort roster sorter |
retests setter street tester |
retrain terrain trainer |
seated sedate teased |
skated staked tasked |
slates steals tassel |
taster tetras treats |
whiter wither writhe |
7-Letter Anagrams:
aligned dealing leading |
alerted altered related treadle |
allergy gallery largely regally |
aridest astride staider tardies tirades |
aspired despair diapers praised |
astride staider tirades |
canters nectars recants scanter trances |
capitol optical topical |
catered created reacted |
claimed decimal declaim medical |
darters retards starred traders |
dearths hardest hatreds threads trashed |
demerit merited mitered |
detains instead sainted stained |
earnest eastern nearest |
enlarge general gleaner |
esprits persist spriest sprites stripes |
lusters results rustles |
observe obverse verbose |
parsley parleys players replays sparely |
parties pastier pirates traipse |
potters protest spotter |
present repents serpent |
rattles starlet startle |
realist saltier retails |
recused reduces rescued secured |
repaint painter pertain |
rosiest sorties stories |
saltier realist retails |
8-Letter Anagrams:
arrogant tarragon |
calipers replicas spiracle |
decanter cantered recanted |
construe counters recounts trounces |
cratered retraced terraced |
designer redesign resigned |
lameness nameless salesman |
parroted predator prorated teardrop |
pertness presents serpents |
repaints painters pantries pertains |
restrain retrains strainer terrains trainers |
thickets thickest thickset |
9-Letter Anagrams:
auctioned cautioned education |
casserole escaroles |
emigrants mastering streaming |
10-Letter Anagrams:
deductions discounted |
discounter introduces reductions |
harmonicas maraschino |
percussion supersonic |
Animal Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet #1 On this printable worksheet, the student writes an animal anagram for each 3-letter word - a picture is provided as a clue for each anagram. Anagrams: act/cat, tan/ant, tar/rat, ode/doe, low/owl, lee/eel, tab/bat, god/dog, wee/ewe. Or go to the answers. |
Animal Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet #2 On this printable worksheet, the student writes an animal anagram for each 4-letter word - a picture is provided as a clue for each anagram. Anagrams: bare/bear, reed/deer, calm/clam, ales/seal, toga/goat, hear/hare, aunt/tuna, paws/wasp, flow/wolf. Or go to the answers. |
Animal Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet #3 On this printable worksheet, the student writes an animal anagram for each 4- and 5-letter word - a picture is provided as a clue for each anagram. Anagrams: balm/lamb, loin/lion, lugs/slug, shore/horse, harks/shark, nails/snail, tutor/trout, torte/otter, sneak/snake. Or go to the answers. |
Animal Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet #4 On this printable worksheet, the student writes an animal anagram for each 5+ letter word - a picture is provided as a clue for each anagram. Anagrams: carob/cobra, nosher/herons, looped/poodle, rooters/rooster, prides/spider, raptor/parrot, bolster/lobster, paroled/leopard, emanate/manatee. Or go to the answers. |
Animal Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet #5 On this printable worksheet, the student writes an animal anagram for each word - a picture is provided as a clue for each anagram. Anagrams: pea/ape, greet/egret, went/newt, leaf/flea, ream/mare, garbed/badger, present/serpent, seashore/seahorse, straying/stingray. Or go to the answers. |
Animal Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet #6 On this printable worksheet, the student writes an animal anagram for each word - a picture is provided as a clue for each anagram. Anagrams: star/rats, gosh/hogs, opines/ponies, gun/gnu, sap/asp, nicest/insect, coolest/ocelots, burg/grub, slow/owls. Or go to the answers. |
Body Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet On this printable worksheet, the student writes a body anagram for each word - a picture is provided as a clue for each anagram. Anagrams: fringes/fingers, ram/arm, ones/nose, slip/lips, gel/leg, are/ear, below/elbow, writs/wrist, cafe/face. Or go to the answers. |
Clothing Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet On this printable worksheet, the student writes a clothing anagram for each word - a picture is provided as a clue for each anagram. Anagrams: grin/ring, based/beads, site/ties, smitten/mittens, boost/boots, taco/coat, hoses/shoes, super/purse, thirst/t-shirt. Or go to the answers. |
Food Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet On this printable worksheet, the student writes a food anagram for each word - a picture is provided as a clue for each anagram. Anagrams: reap/pear, pagers/grapes, lump/plum, tun/nut, bane/bean, sham/hams, takes/steak, melon/lemon, stressed/desserts. Or go to the answers. |
House Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet On this printable worksheet, the student writes a house-related anagram for each word - a picture is provided as a clue for each anagram. Anagrams: odor/door, palm/lamp, bleat/table, sitars/stairs, rotates/toaster, save/vase, oafs/sofa, votes/stove, flesh/shelf. Or go to the answers. |
Math Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet On this printable worksheet, the student writes a math anagram for each word - a picture is provided as a clue for each anagram. Anagrams: net/ten, tow/two, dad/add, height/eighth, evens/seven, there/three, altering/triangle, handouts/thousand, rifts/first. Or go to the answers. |
Musical Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet On this printable worksheet, the student writes a musical anagram for each word - a picture is provided as a clue for each anagram. Anagrams: bulge/bugle, voila/viola, abut/tuba, altering/triangle, sharp/harps, tone/note, mascara/maracas, re-record/recorder, sign/sing. Or go to the answers. |
Plant Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet On this printable worksheet, the student writes a plant anagram for each word - a picture is provided as a clue for each anagram. Anagrams: dub/bud, flea/leaf, stupor/sprout, vein/vine, leapt/petal, lamp/palm, brush/shrub, torso/roots, sore/rose. Or go to the answers. |
Sports Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet On this printable worksheet, the student writes a sports anagram for each word - a picture is provided as a clue for each anagram. Anagrams: tab/bat, ten/net, kiss/skis, stakes/skates, lopes/poles, worth/throw, tacker/racket, damsel/medals, cores/score. Or go to the answers. |
Tool Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet On this printable worksheet, the student writes a tool anagram for each word - a picture is provided as a clue for each anagram. Anagrams: was/saw, slain/nails, tun/nut, perils/pliers, crews/screw, rashes/shears, spar/rasp, hose/hoes, hovels/shovel. Or go to the answers. |
Transportation Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet On this printable worksheet, the student writes a transportation anagram for each word - a picture is provided as a clue for each anagram. Anagrams: ocean/canoe, arc/car, sub/bus, rancho/anchor, hips/ship, restock/rockets, rite/tire, panel/plane, ails/sail. Or go to the answers. |
Match Anagrams:
Match the Animal Anagrams #1 Draw a line from each animal word to its anagram. Words: owl/low, slug/lugs, hogs/gosh, ape/pea, bats/tabs, egret/greet, clam/calm, goat/toga, smelt/melts, tuna/aunt. Or go to the answers. |
Match the Animal Anagrams #2 Draw a line from each animal word to its anagram. Words: flea/leaf, parrot/raptor, poodle/looped, lion/loin, seal/sale, swallow/wallows, horse/shore, hornet/throne, gnat/tang, eland/laden. Or go to the answers. |
Match the Astronomy Anagrams Draw a line from each astronomy-related word to its anagram. Words: Earth/heart, planet/platen, rotates/toaster, space/paces, star/rats, cosmic/comics, nebula/unable, lunar/ulnar, solar/orals, sunspots/unstops. Or go to the answers. |
Match the Body Anagrams Draw a line from each body-related word to its anagram. Words: arm/ram, chin/inch, ear/are, hips/ship, nails/snail, spine/pines, waist/waits, skin/kins, knee/keen, wrist/writs. Or go to the answers. |
Match the Clothing Anagrams Draw a line from each clothes-related word to its anagram. Words: boots/boost, shoe/hoes, vest/vets, t-shirt/thirst, mittens/smitten, cape/pace, robe/bore, aprons/parson, coat/taco, earring/angrier. Or go to the answers. |
Match the Color Word Anagrams Draw a line from each color word to its anagram. Words: blue/lube, silver/sliver, green/genre, tan/ant, ruby/bury, teal/late, lemon/melon, magenta/magnate, crimson/microns, scarlet/cartels. Or go to the answers. |
Match the Country Name Anagrams Draw a line from each country name to its anagram. Words: Iran/rain, Laos/also, Mali/mail, Oman/moan, Niger/reign, Yemen/enemy, China/chain, Angola/analog, Israel/serial, Peru/pure. Or go to the answers. |
Match the Farm Anagrams Draw a line from each farm word to its anagram. Words: filed/filed, reap/pear, hogs/gosh, stable/bleats, horse/shore, crops/corps, ewe/wee, cows/scow, gander/garden, farmer/framer. Or go to the answers. |
Match the Food Anagrams #1 Draw a line from each food word to its anagram. Words: melon/lemon, cider/dicer, lentil/lintel, lime/mile, hash/shah, kale/lake, bread/debar, dates/sated, buns/snub, toast/stoat. Or go to the answers. |
Match the Food Anagrams #2 Draw a line from each food word to its anagram. Words: peach/cheap, stew/west, soup/opus, yam/may, beans/banes, crepe/creep, cola/coal, parsley/players, romaine/moraine, sardine/sandier. Or go to the answers. |
Match the Geography Anagrams Draw a line from each geography-related word to its anagram. Words: north/thorn, south/shout, east/sate, west/stew, eastern/nearest, latitude/altitude, ocean/canoe, pole/lope, strait/artist, lakes/slake. Or go to the answers. |
Match the Halloween-Related Anagrams Draw a line from each Halloween-related word to its anagram. Words: bats/stab, cat/act, scare/cares, monster/mentors, ghouls/slough, potion/option, owl/low, night/thing, treats/taster, trolls/stroll. Or go to the answers. |
Match the Home-Related Anagrams Draw a line from each house-related word to its anagram. Words: room/moor, stairs/sitars, lamp/palm, kitchen/thicken, drapes/spread, table/bleat, shelf/flesh, attic/tacit, garden/danger, yard/dray. Or go to the answers. |
Match the Job Anagrams Draw a line from each occupation-related word to its anagram. Words: baker/brake, farmer/framer, nurse/runes, builder/rebuild, marine/airmen, teacher/cheater, worker/rework, pilots/spoilt, gardener/garnered, salesman/nameless. Or go to the answers. |
Match the Math Anagrams Draw a line from each math-related word to its anagram. Words: add/dad, ten/net, two/tow, three/there, thousand/handouts, first/rifts, seven/evens, decimal/claimed, point/pinto, solve/voles. Or go to the answers. |
Match the Money Anagrams Draw a line from each money-related word to its anagram. Words: cents/scent, pay/yap, save/vase, taxes/Texas, spend/pends, prices/precis, dimes/deism, buys/busy, credit/direct, trade/rated. Or go to the answers. |
Match the Music Anagrams Draw a line from each music-related word to its anagram. Words: note/tone, sing/sign, tuba/abut, bugle/bulge, scale/laces, viola/voila, beat/abet, score/cores, tenor/noter, recital/article. Or go to the answers. |
Match the People Anagrams Draw a line from each people-related word to its anagram. Words: sister/resist, parent/entrap, tribe/biter, kids/skid, selves/vessel, kin/ink, pal/lap, ladies/ideals, friend/finder, damsel/medals. Or go to the answers. |
Match the Plant Anagrams Draw a line from each plant-related word to its anagram. Words: sprout/stupor, bud/dub, garden/danger, leaf/flea, petal/leapt, roots/torso, sap/spa, sapling/lapsing, vine/vein, weeds/sewed. Or go to the answers. |
Match the School Anagrams Draw a line from each school-related word to its anagram. Words: read/dear, learn/renal, listen/silent, tutor/trout, teach/cheat, study/dusty, scholar/choral, report/porter, research/searcher, testing/setting. Or go to the answers. |
Match the Sports Anagrams Draw a line from each sports-related word to its anagram. Words: dart/drat, polo/pool, player/replay, field/filed, game/mega, races/acres, sport/ports, cleats/castle, medals/damsel. Or go to the answers. |
Match the Thanksgiving Anagrams Draw a line from each Thanksgiving-related word to its anagram. Words: feats/fates, serve/verse, eat/tea, settler/trestle, friend/finder, meal/lame, bake/beak, yam/may, nuts/stun, dessert/deserts. Or go to the answers. |
Match the Tool Anagrams Draw a line from each tool-related word to its anagram. Words: pliers/perils, sander/snared, pincer/prince, routers/trouser, shears/rashes, shovel/hovels, vise/vies, calipers/replicas, rasp/spar, stapler/plaster. Or go to the answers. |
Match the Vehicle Anagrams Draw a line from each vehicle-related word to its anagram. Words: car/arc, tram/mart, bus/sub, boats/boast, cabs/scab, raft/frat, rockets/restock, trucks/struck, campers/scamper, glider/girdle. Or go to the answers. |
Match the Weather Anagrams Draw a line from each weather-related word to its anagram. Words: sleet/steel, rain/Iran, frost/forts, dew/wed, snow/owns, calm/clam, cloud/could, heat/hate, hurricane/raunchier, overcast/overacts. Or go to the answers. |
Match the Weather Anagrams Draw a line from each weather-related word to its anagram. Words: cold/clod, sleet/steel, frost/forts, snow/owns, cloud/could, gust/guts, mittens/smitten, heater/reheat, overcast/overacts, coat/taco. Or go to the answers. |
Write Anagrams:
Anagram Puzzle Worksheets On this series of worksheets, the student writes an anagram for each word. Worksheet #1 Or Answers #1 Worksheet #2 Or Answers #2 Worksheet #3 Or Answers #3 Worksheet #4 Or Answers #4 Worksheet #5 Or Answers #5 Worksheet #6 Or Answers #6 Worksheet #7 Or Answers #7 Worksheet #8 Or Answers #8 Worksheet #9 Or Answers #9 Worksheet #10 Or Answers #10 Worksheet #11 Or Answers #11 Worksheet #12 Or Answers #12. |
Animal Anagram Puzzle Worksheets On these printable worksheets, the student writes an animal anagram for each word. Worksheet #1 Or Answers #1 Worksheet #2 Or Answers #2 Worksheet #3 Or Answers #3. |
Apt Anagram Puzzle Worksheet On this printable worksheet, the student writes an appropriate anagram for each word. Or go to the answers. |
Astronomy Anagram Puzzle Worksheet On this printable worksheet, the student writes an astronomy anagram for each word. Or go to the answers. |
Body Anagram Puzzle Worksheet On this printable worksheet, the student writes a body-related anagram for each word. Or go to the answers. |
Clothing Anagram Puzzle Worksheet On this printable worksheet, the student writes a clothing anagram for each word. Or go to the answers. |
Country Name Anagram Puzzle Worksheet On this printable worksheet, the student writes a country name for each anagram. Or go to the answers. |
Food Anagram Puzzle Worksheet On this printable worksheet, the student writes a food anagram for each word. Worksheet #1 Or Answers #1 Worksheet #2 Or Answers #2. |
Geography Anagram Puzzle Worksheet On this printable worksheet, the student writes a geography anagram for each word. Or go to the answers. |
Home and Household Anagram Puzzle Worksheet On this printable worksheet, the student writes a house-related anagram for each word. Or go to the answers. |
Job Anagrams Puzzle Worksheet On this printable worksheet, the student writes an occupation-related anagram for each word. Or go to the answers. |
Math Anagram Puzzle Worksheet On this printable worksheet, the student writes a math-related anagram for each word. Or go to the answers. |
Music Anagram Puzzle Worksheet On this printable worksheet, the student writes a music-related anagram for each word. Or go to the answers. |
Plant Anagram Puzzle Worksheet On this printable worksheet, the student writes a plant-related anagram for each word. Or go to the answers. |
School Anagram Puzzle Worksheet On this printable worksheet, the student writes a school-related anagram for each word. Or go to the answers. |
Tools Anagram Puzzle Worksheet On this printable worksheet, the student writes a tool-related anagram for each word. Or go to the answers. |
Vehicle Anagram Puzzle Worksheet On this printable worksheet, the student writes a vehicle-related anagram for each word. Or go to the answers. |
Write Many Anagrams:
Write Many Anagrams #1 For each word, write as many anagrams as you can for it. Words: eats, opts, teals, amen, arts, slime, leap, teaks, vile, resin, parse, sepal. Or go to the answers. |
Write Many Anagrams #2 For each word, write as many anagrams as you can for it. Words: taser, scare, snug, spat, tame, mar, rapt, snap, dear, eta, emit, nets. Or go to the answers. |
Write Many Anagrams #3 For each word, write as many anagrams as you can for it. Words: tied, tabs, dear, slat, space, ether, esprit, meats, polo, paled, mesa, tinsel. Or go to the answers. |
Word Hunt Puzzle Worksheets:
Word Hunt Puzzle Worksheets On this series of worksheets, the student sees how many words can be made using the letters from various words and phrases. These aren't exactly anagrams, but are related. |
Sprial Anagram Puzzles (These are difficult to solve!):
Spiral Animal Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet #1 Solve the animal anagram clues then put the words in the spiral puzzle. An anagram is a word that is made by rearranging the letters of another word. This is a tricky puzzle. Or go to the answers. |
Spiral Animal Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet #2 Solve the animal anagram clues then put the words in the spiral puzzle. An anagram is a word that is made by rearranging the letters of another word. This is a tricky puzzle. Or go to the answers. |
Spiral Animal Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet #3 Solve the animal anagram clues then put the words in the spiral puzzle. An anagram is a word that is made by rearranging the letters of another word. This is a tricky puzzle. Or go to the answers. |
Spiral Astronomy Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet #1 Solve the astronomy anagram clues then put the words in the spiral puzzle. An anagram is a word that is made by rearranging the letters of another word. This is a tricky puzzle. Or go to the answers. |
Spiral Astronomy Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet #2 Solve the astronomy anagram clues then put the words in the spiral puzzle. An anagram is a word that is made by rearranging the letters of another word. This is a tricky puzzle. Or go to the answers. |
Spiral Body Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet #1 Solve the body anagram clues then put the words in the spiral puzzle. An anagram is a word that is made by rearranging the letters of another word. This is a tricky puzzle. Or go to the answers. |
Spiral Body Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet #2 Solve the body anagram clues then put the words in the spiral puzzle. An anagram is a word that is made by rearranging the letters of another word. This is a tricky puzzle. Or go to the answers. |
Spiral Clothing Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet #1 Solve the clothing anagram clues then put the words in the spiral puzzle. An anagram is a word that is made by rearranging the letters of another word. This is a tricky puzzle. Or go to the answers. |
Spiral Clothing Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet #2 Solve the clothing anagram clues then put the words in the spiral puzzle. An anagram is a word that is made by rearranging the letters of another word. This is a tricky puzzle. Or go to the answers. |
Spiral Color Word Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet #1 Solve the color word anagram clues then put the words in the spiral puzzle. An anagram is a word that is made by rearranging the letters of another word. This is a tricky puzzle. Or go to the answers. |
Spiral Country Name Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet #1 Solve the country anagram clues then put the words in the spiral puzzle. An anagram is a word that is made by rearranging the letters of another word. This is a tricky puzzle. Or go to the answers. |
Spiral Food Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet #1 Solve the food anagram clues then put the words in the spiral puzzle. An anagram is a word that is made by rearranging the letters of another word. This is a tricky puzzle. Or go to the answers. |
Spiral Food Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet #2 Solve the food anagram clues then put the words in the spiral puzzle. An anagram is a word that is made by rearranging the letters of another word. This is a tricky puzzle. Or go to the answers. |
Spiral Food Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet #3 Solve the food anagram clues then put the words in the spiral puzzle. An anagram is a word that is made by rearranging the letters of another word. This is a tricky puzzle. Or go to the answers. |
Spiral Landforms Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet #1 Solve the landforms anagram clues then put the words in the spiral puzzle. An anagram is a word that is made by rearranging the letters of another word. This is a tricky puzzle. Or go to the answers. |
Spiral Landforms Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet #2 Solve the landforms anagram clues then put the words in the spiral puzzle. An anagram is a word that is made by rearranging the letters of another word. This is a tricky puzzle. Or go to the answers. |
Spiral Landforms Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet #3 Solve the landforms anagram clues then put the words in the spiral puzzle. An anagram is a word that is made by rearranging the letters of another word. This is a tricky puzzle. Or go to the answers. |
Spiral Math Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet #1 Solve the math anagram clues then put the words in the spiral puzzle. An anagram is a word that is made by rearranging the letters of another word. This is a tricky puzzle. Or go to the answers. |
Spiral Music Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet #1 Solve the music anagram clues then put the words in the spiral puzzle. An anagram is a word that is made by rearranging the letters of another word. This is a tricky puzzle. Or go to the answers. |
Spiral Music Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet #2 Solve the music anagram clues then put the words in the spiral puzzle. An anagram is a word that is made by rearranging the letters of another word. This is a tricky puzzle. Or go to the answers. |
Spiral People Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet #1 Solve the people-word anagram clues then put the words in the spiral puzzle. An anagram is a word that is made by rearranging the letters of another word. This is a tricky puzzle. Or go to the answers. |
Spiral Plant Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet #1 Solve the plant anagram clues then put the words in the spiral puzzle. An anagram is a word that is made by rearranging the letters of another word. This is a tricky puzzle. Or go to the answers. |
Spiral Plant Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet #2 Solve the plant anagram clues then put the words in the spiral puzzle. An anagram is a word that is made by rearranging the letters of another word. This is a tricky puzzle. Or go to the answers. |
Spiral Sports Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet #1 Solve the sports anagram clues then put the words in the spiral puzzle. An anagram is a word that is made by rearranging the letters of another word. This is a tricky puzzle. Or go to the answers. |
Spiral Sports Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet #2 Solve the sports anagram clues then put the words in the spiral puzzle. An anagram is a word that is made by rearranging the letters of another word. This is a tricky puzzle. Or go to the answers. |
Spiral Thanksgiving Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet Solve the Thanksgiving anagram clues then put the words in the spiral puzzle. An anagram is a word that is made by rearranging the letters of another word. This is a tricky puzzle. Or go to the answers. |
Spiral Weather Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet Solve the weather anagram clues then put the words in the spiral puzzle. An anagram is a word that is made by rearranging the letters of another word. This is a tricky puzzle. Or go to the answers. |
Spiral Winter Anagram Picture Puzzle Worksheet Solve the winter anagram clues then put the words in the spiral puzzle. An anagram is a word that is made by rearranging the letters of another word. This is a tricky puzzle. Or go to the answers. |
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