What are blends?
Consonant blends (also called consonant clusters) are groups of two or three consonants in words that makes a distinct consonant sound, such as “bl” or “spl.” Consonant digraphs include: bl, br, ch, ck, cl, cr, dr, fl, fr, gh, gl, gr, ng, ph, pl, pr, qu, sc, sh, sk, sl, sm, sn, sp, st, sw, th, tr, tw, wh, wr. Some trigraphs are: nth, sch, scr, shr, spl, spr, squ, str, thr.
There are also digraphs that produce a distinct vowel sound. Some examples are: ai, au, aw, ay, ea, ee, ei, eu, ew, ey, ie, oi, oo, ou, ow, oy.
Some words that begin with common digraphs or blends
- bl
- blab, black, blackberry, blackbird, blackmail, blacksmith, bladder, blade, blah, blame, blanche, bland, blandish, blank, blanket, blaring, blarney, blast, blatant, blaze, bleach, bleachers, bleak, bleary, bleat, bled, bleed, bleep, blemish, blend, blender, bless, blew, blight, blimp, blind, blindfold, blini, blink, blinkers, blintz, blip, bliss, blister, blithe, blitz, blizzard, bloat, blob, block, blockade, blockbuster, blockhead, bloke, blonde, blood, bloom, blooper, blossom, blot, blotch, blouse, blow, blowtorch, blubber, bludgeon, blue, blueberry, bluejay, bluff, blunder, blunt, blur, blurry, blurt, blush, bluster, blustery
- br
- brace, bracelet, bracket, brad, brag, braid, brain, brake, bramble, bran, branch, brand, brass, brat, brave, brawny, bray, breach, bread, break, breath, breathe, bred, breed, breeze, brew, briar, bribe, brick, bride, bridge, brief, brig, bright, brilliant, brim, brine, bring, brink, brisk, bristle, brittle, broad, broccoli, broil, broken, bronco, bronze, brooch, brood, brook, broom, broth, brother, brought, brow, brown, browse, bruise, brunette, brush, brutal
- ch
- chain, chair, chalk, challenge, chamber, champion, chance, change, channel, chant, chap, chapel, chapter, char, charge, chariot, charity, charm, chart, chase, chat, cheap, check, checkers, cheek, cheer, cheese, cheetah, chef, cherry, chess, chest, chew, chick, chicken, chief, child, chili, chime, chimp, chin, china, chip, chisel, chocolate, choice, choose, chop, chore, chose, church
- cl
- clad, claim, clairvoyant, clam, clambake, clamber, clammy, clamor, clamp, clamshell, clan, clandestine, clap, clapper, clarify, clarinet, clarity, clash, clasp, class, classic, classical, classification, classify, classmate, classroom, clause, claustrophobia, clavichord, claw, clay, clean, cleanse, clear, clearance, cleat, cleaver, clef, cleft, clench, clergy, clerical, clerk, clever, click, client, cliff, climate, climb, cling, clinic, clink, clip, clipboard, clique, cloak, clobber, clock, clockwise, clod, clog, clone, clop, close, closet, clot, clothes, clothespin, cloud, clout, clover, clown, cloy, club, cluck, clue, clump, clumsy, clunky, cluster, clutch, clutter
- cr
- crab, crack, cracker, crackle, crackpot, cradle, crafts, crag, cram, cramp, cranberry, crane, cranefly, cranium, cranky, cranny, crash, crass, crate, crater, crave, crawfish, crawl, crayfish, crayon, craze, crazy, creak, cream, crease, create, creature, credence, credit, creed, creek, creep, creepy, crepe, crescent, cress, crest, crew, crewcut, crib, cricket, cries, crime, criminal, crimp, cringe, crinkle, crippling, crisis, crisp, crisscross, criteria, critical, criticize, critter, croak, crochet, crocodile, crocus, crone, crook, crooked, crop, croquet, cross, crosswalk, crossword, crouch, crow, crowd, crown, cruel, cruise, crumb, crumpet, crunch, crust, crutch, crux, cry, crypt, cryptic, crystal
- dr
- drab, draft, drag, dragon, dragonfly, dragoon, drain, drake, dram, drama, dramatic, drank, drape, drapery, drastic, draw, drawbridge, drawer, drawl, drawn, dread, dreadful, dreadlocks, dreadnought, dream, dreary, dredge, dregs, dreidel, drench, dress, dresser, drew, dribble, drier, drift, driftwood, drill, drink, drip, drive, drivel, driven, driver, driveway, drizzle, drole, dromedary, drone, drool, drool, droop, drop, drought, drove, droves, drown, drowsy, drudgery, drug, druggist, drum, drunk, dry, dry
- fl
- flab, flabbergasted, flag, flagship, flail, flair, flake, flamboyant, flame, flamingo, flan, flank, flannel, flap, flapjacks, flare, flash, flashcard, flask, flat, flatter, flaunt, flavor, flaw, flax, flay, flea, fleck, fled, fledge, fleece, fleet, flesh, flex, flicker, flier, flight, flimflam, flimsy, flinch, fling, flint, flip, flipbook, flipper, flit, float, flock, floe, flog, flood, floodlight, floor, flop, Florida, florist, floss, flotilla, flounder, flour, flourish, flow, flower, flown, flu, flub, fluctuate, flue, fluent, fluffy, fluid, fluke, flung, flunk, flush, flute, flutter, flux, fly, flyswatter
- fr
- fraction, fragile, fragment, fragrant, frail, frame, frank, frantic, fraud, fray, free, freeze, freezer, freight, French horn, frenzy, frequent, fresh, fret, friction, friend, frighten, frill, fringe, frisk, frock, frog, frolic, from, frond, front, frontier, frost, froth, frothy, frown, frozen, frugal, fruit, frumpy, frustrate, fry
- gl
- glacier, glad, glade, gladiator, gladiolus, glamor, glamorous, glance, gland, glare, glass, glasses, glaze, gleam, glean, glee, glen, glib, glid, glide, glider, glimmer, glimpse, glint, glisten, glitch, glitter, glitz, gloat, glob, global, globalization, globe, globetrotter, globular, glom, gloomy, glorify, glory, glossary, glossy, glove, glow, glower, glucose, glue, glum, glut, glutes, glutton, gluttony
- gr
- grab, grace, graceful, gracious, grad, grade, gradual, graduate, graffiti, graft, graham, grain, gram, grammar, grand, grandchild, grandfather, grandmother, grandparent, granite, grant, granular, grapefruit, grapes, graph, grasp, grass, grasshopper, grassland, grate, grateful, grater, gratitude, grave, gravel, graveyard, gravity, gravy, gray, graze, grease, great, grebe, greedy, Greek, green, greet, greeting, grew, grey, greyhound, grid, griddle, gridiron, gridlock, grief, grieving, grill, grim, grimace, grime, grin, grind, grip, gripe, gristle, grit, grits, grizzly, groan, grocery, groggy, groin, groom, groove, groovy, grope, gross, grotesque, grotto, grouch, grouchy, ground, groundhog, group, grouse, grout, grove, grovel, grow, growl, grown, grownup, growth, grub, grudge, gruesome, gruff, grumble, grumpy, grunt
- pl
- place, placid, plagiarize, plague, plaid, plain, plan, plane, planet, plank, plankton, plant, plantain, plantation, planter, plaque, plasma, plaster, plastic, plate, plateau, platform, platitude, platter, platypus, play, playground, plaza, plea, plead, pleasant, please, pleasure, pleat, pled, pledge, plenty, pliant, pliers, plight, plod, plop, plot, plover, plow, pluck, plug, plum, plumb, plumber, plume, plummet, plump, plunder, plunger, plural, plus, plush, Pluto, ply, plywood
- pr
- prairie, prance, pray, precious, precipitation, precise, precocious, predict, preposition, present, president, press, pretzel, prey, price, pride, prim, primary, prime, prince, princess, principal, principle, print, prior, prism, prison, privacy, private, privilege, prize, prize, pro, probably, probe, problem, proceed, prod, project, prom, prong, pronoun, pronoun, prop, propeller, proper, proton, protractor, proud, prove, proverb, prow, prune, pry
- sc
- scab, scabbard, scads, scaffold, scald, scale, scalene, scallop, scalp, scalpel, scaly, scam, scamper, scan, scandal, scanner, scant, scapegoat, scar, scarab, scare, scarecrow, scarf, scarlet, scary, scathing, scatter, scavenger, scenario, scene, scenery, scenic, scent, scepter, sceptic, science, scientific, scientist, scimitar, scintilla, scintillate, scissors, scoff, scofflaw, scold, sconce, scoop, scoot, scope, scorch, score, scorn, scorpion, scot, scotch, scour, scout, scowl, scuba, scuff, scuffle, sculptor, sculpture, scum, scurrilous, scurry, scurvy, scute, scythe
- sh
- shack, shade, shadow, shake, shall, sham, shampoo, shamrock, shape, share, shark, she, sheep, shelf, shell, shepherd, shine, shiny, ship, shirt, shock, shoddy, shoot, shop, shore, short, shot, should, shoulder, shout, shovel, show, shower, shuck, shudder, shunt, shut
- sk
- skate, skateboard, skatepark, skedaddle, skeet, skein, skeletal, skeleton, skeptic, sketch, sketchbook, skew, skewer, ski, skid, skiff, skill, skillet, skim, skimobile, skimp, skimpy, skin, skink, skinny, skip, skipjack, skipper, skirmish, skirt, skit, skittish, skittle, skivvy, skiwear, skulk, skull, skullcap, skullduggery, skunk, sky, skydive, skylark, skylight, skyline, skyrocket, skyscraper, skywriting
- sl
- slab, slack, slain, slam, slant, slap, slash, slat, slave, slaw, slay, sled, sleek, sleep, sleeping bag, sleet, sleeve, sleigh, slender, slice, slick, slid, slide, slim, slime, slip, slippers, slit, slob, slop, slot, sloth, slough, slow, slug, slum, slump
- sm
- smack, small, smallpox, smarmy, smart, smash, smattering, smear, smell, smelt, smidgen, smile, smilodon, smirk, smite, smith, smitten, smock, smog, smoke, smokescreen, smolder, smooch, smooth, smoothie, smorgasbord, smother, smudge, smug, smuggle, smush
- sn
- snack, snag, snail, snake, snap, snapdragon, snapper, snapshot, snare, snarl, snatch, snazzy, sneak, sneaker, sneer, sneeze, snicker, snide, sniff, sniffle, snip, snipe, sniper, snippers, snippy, snit, snivel, snob, snood, snooker, snoop, snooty, snooze, snore, snorkel, snort, snot, snout, snow, snowball, snowboard, snowcap, snowflake, snowmobile, snowplow, snowshoe, snub, snuck, snuff, snug, snuggle, snugly
- sp
- spa, space, spacecraft, spacious, spackle, spade, spaghetti, Spain, spam, span, spandex, spank, spar, spare, spareribs, spark, sparkle, sparkler, sparrow, sparse, spartan, spasm, spat, spatial, spatter, spatula, spawn, speak, spear, special, species, specific, specify, specimen, speckle, spectacle, spectacular, spectator, speculate, sped, speech, speed, spell, spend, spew, spice, spider, spiffy, spigot, spike, spill, spin, spinach, spinal, spine, spiral, spire, spirit, spit, spite, spoil, spoke, sponge, sponsor, spoof, spooky, spool, spoon, spore, sports, spot, spotlight, spouse, spout, spud, spun, spunk, spur, spurn, spurt, sputnik, sputter, spy
- st
- stab, stable, stack, stadium, staff, stag, stage, stagger, stair, stake, stalactite, stalagmite, stale, stalk, stall, stallion, stamp, stand, stapler, star, static, steak, steam, steep, stem, step, stick, sticker, sting, stomach, stone, stool, stoop, stop, store, storm, story, stove, stub, stud, student, stump, stun
- sw
- swab, swaddle, swagger, swallow, swallowtail, swam, swami, swamp, swan, swanky, swansong, swap, swarm, swashbuckler, swat, sway, swear, sweat, sweater, sweatshirt, sweep, sweepstake, sweet, swell, sweltering, swept, swerve, swift, swim, swimsuit, swindle, swine, swing, swingset, swipe, swirl, swish, Swiss, switch, swivel, swizzle, swollen, swoon, swoop, swoosh, sword, swordfish, sworn, swum, swung
- th
- than, thank, thanksgiving, that, thaw, the, their, them, then, there, therefore, thermometer, these, they, they’re, thick, thief, thigh, thimble, thin, thing, think, third, thirsty, thirteen, thirty, this, thorax, thorn, thorough, those, though, thought, thousand, thud, thumb, thump, thunder, Thursday, thus
- tr
- trace, trachea, track, tract, traction, tractor, trade, tradition, traffic, tragedy, tragic, trail, trailer, train, trait, traitor, tram, tramp, trample, trance, tranquil, transfer, transform, transit, translate, transmit, transparent, transport, trap, trapeze, trash, travel, tray, tread, treasure, treat, treble, tree, trek, triangle, trim, trinket, trip, triplets, trod, troll, trolley, trombone, trot, trout, truck, trumpet, trunk
- tw
- t’was, twang, tweak, tweed, tween, tweet, tweeze, tweezers, twelfth, twelve, twenty, twerp, twice, twiddle, twig, twilight, twill, twin, twine, twinge, twinkle, twirl, twist, twister, twit, twitter, twixt
- wh
- whale, wharf, what, wheat, wheel, wheelbarrow, wheelchair, wheeze, whelp, when, where, whereby, wherefore, wherewithal, whet, whether, whetstone, whew, whey, which, whiff, whig, while, whim, whimper, whimsical, whine, whinny, whip, whiplash, whippersnapper, whippet, whippoorwill, whir, whirl, whirligig, whirlpool, whirlwind, whisk, whisker, whiskey, whisper, whist, whistle, whistleblower, whit, white, whiteboard, whitecap, whiteout, whitewash, whittle, whiz, whoa, whooping, whoosh, whorl, why
- wr
- wrack, wraith, wrangle, wrap, wraparound, wrapper, wrath, wreath, wreck, wreckage, wrecker, wren, wrench, wrestle, wretched, wriggle, wring, wrinkle, wrist, wristwatch, writ, write, writhe, writing, written, wrong, wrongful, wrote, wrought, wrung, wry
Some words that begin with common trigraphs
- sch
- schedule, schematic, scheme, scherzo, schism, schizophrenic, schlep, schlock, schmooze, scholar, scholarship, scholastic, school, schoolroom, schooner, schwa
- scr
- scram, scramble, scrap, scrapbook, scrape, scrappy, scratch, scrawl, scrawny, scream, screech, screen, screenwriter, screw, screwball, screwdriver, scribble, scribe, scrimmage, scrimp, scrimshaw, scrip, script, scripture, scroll, scrooge, scrounge, scrub, scruffy, scrunch, scruples, scrutinize, scrutiny
- shr
- shrank, shrapnel, shred, shrew, shrewd, shriek, shrift, shrill, shrimp, shrine, shrink, shrivel, shroud, shrub, shrug, shrunk
- sph
- sphagnum, sphere, spherical, spheroid, sphincter, sphinx
- spl
- splash, splashdown, splat, splatter, splay, spleen, splendid, splendor, splice, splint, splinter, split, splotchy, splurge, splurt, splutter
- spr
- sprain, sprang, sprawl, spray, spread, spreadsheet, spree, sprig, spring, springboard, springbok, springtime, sprinkle, sprinkler, sprint, sprite, spritz, spritzer, sprocket, sprout, spruce, sprung, spry
- squ
- squab, squabble, squad, squadron, squalid, squall, squalor, squander, square, squash, squat, squawk, squeak, squeal, squeamish, squeegee, squeeze, squelch, squib, squid, squiggle, squint, squire, squirm, squirrel, squirt, squish
- str
- straight, strain, strait, strand, strange, strap, straw, strawberry, stray, streak, stream, street, strength, stress, stress, stretch, stretch, strict, stride, string, stripe, strobe, stroke, stroll, strong, struck, strum, strung, strut
- thr
- thrash, thread, threat, three, thresher, threw, thrice, thrift, thriller, thrive, throat, throb, throne, throng, throttle, through, throw, thrush, thrust
Printable Books about Blends, Digraphs, Trigraphs, Etc.
Sounds in Words: Letter Digraphs and other Two-letter Combinations: Beginning Readers Books
A book for early readers with words that have the “an” sound, like: can, fan, man, van, and pan.
A book for early readers with words that have the “at” sound, like: cat, hat, rat, vat, and mat.
These pages make a “Words That Start With Br” book, an early reader book for young readers.
This is a printable early-reader “Words That Start With Ch” book.
This is a printable early-reader “Words That Start With Cl” book.
A book for early readers with words that have the “en” sound, like: pen, hen, and when.
This is a printable early-reader “Words That Start With Gr” book.
This is a printable early-reader “Words That Start With Sh” book.
This is a printable early-reader “Words That Start With St” book.
This is a printable early-reader “Words That Start With Th” book.
This is a printable early-reader “Words That Start With Tr” book.
This is a printable early-reader “Words That Start With Wh” book.
Matching Activities: Words that Start with Consonant Blends
Match Words and Pictures of Words Starting With Consonant Blends: Printable worksheets matching food words and pictures.
Draw lines between each word starting with “br” and its picture.
Draw lines between each word starting with “ch” and its picture.
Draw lines between each word starting with “cl” and its picture.
Draw lines between each word starting with “fl” and its picture.
Draw lines between each word starting with “gr” and its picture.
Draw lines between each word starting with “pl” and its picture.
Draw lines between each word starting with “sh” and its picture.
Draw lines between each word starting with “sp” and its picture.
Draw lines between each word starting with “st” and its picture.
Draw lines between each word starting with “th” and its picture.
Draw lines between each word starting with “tr” and its picture.
Draw lines between each word starting with “wh” and its picture.
Circle Words With Consonant Blends
In these worksheets, the students circle all the words which start with a given consonant blend.
Consonant Blends: Find Four Related Words - worksheets.
Consonant Blends: Find Eight Related Words - worksheets.
Consonant Blends: Find Eight Related Words - worksheets.
Fill in the Missing Letters
In these worksheets, students fill in the blank letters in words using different consonant blends.
Fill in Missing Letters in Words Starting With Consonant Blends and Digraphs #1: A printout about consonant blends for early readers: flower, shoe, chair, fly, snow, bread, twister, sled, twig, storm.
Fill in Missing Letters in Words Starting With Consonant Blends and Digraphs #2: A printout about consonant blends for early readers: skull, plate, snowman, spider, flute, pliers, stapler, chicken, ground, drum.
Fill in Missing Letters in Words Starting With Consonant Blends and Digraphs #3: A printout about consonant blends for early readers: cloud, drill, truck, skis, grass, skates, shorts, globe, sticks, plum, cloud, drill.
Fill in Missing Letters in Words Starting With Consonant Blends and Digraphs #4: A printout about consonant blends for early readers: clock, flag, crayon, bricks, trumpet, spool, thimble, chest, chin, ship.
Fill in Missing Letters in Words Starting With Consonant Blends and Digraphs #5: A printout about consonant blends for early readers: crow, stars, tree, frog, shell, plane, glove, train, broom, scarf.
Fill in Missing Letters in Words Starting With Consonant Blends and Digraphs #6: A printout about consonant blends for early readers: clown, flame, scarecrow, child, skyscraper, chimney, present, grapes, trombone, fruit.
Fill in Missing Letters in Words Starting With Consonant Blends and Digraphs #7: A printout about consonant blends for early readers: snowflake, crown, crescent, brother, snail, glasses, snail, swine, sheep, branch.
Fill in Missing Letters in Words Starting With Consonant Blends and Digraphs #8: A printout about consonant blends for early readers: plants, triangle, groundhog, glass, crocodile, pretzel, dragon, starfish, spiral, snake.
Fill in Missing Letters in Words Starting With Consonant Blends and Digraphs #9: A printout about consonant blends for early readers: children, chimp, blizzard, crab, chocolate, starfish, propeller, shark, thermometer, frame.
Fill in Missing Letters in Words Starting With Consonant Blends and Digraphs #10: A printout about consonant blends for early readers: shrimp, thread, strawberry, screw, streak, street, throw, scroll, screwdriver, straw.
Fill in Missing Letters in Words Starting With Consonant Blends and Digraphs #11: A printout about consonant blends for early readers: slide, whisk, scale, shadow, clarinet, shirt, dream, slug, stump, graph, slide, whisk.
Fill in Missing Letters in Words Starting With Consonant Blends and Digraphs #12: A printout about consonant blends for early readers: whistle, claw, wheel, sleep, thumb, scorpion, thirty, sloth, grasshopper, skunk.
Fill in Missing Letters in Words Starting With Consonant Blends and Digraphs #13: A printout about consonant blends for early readers: wheat, stamp, flamingo, thirteen, statue, scuba, shamrock, stool, shoulder, grater.
Fill in Missing Letters in Words Starting With Consonant Blends and Digraphs: BR. A printout about consonant blends for early readers: braid, brush, bracelet, bridge, bricks, broom, branch, brain, broccoli, bread.
Fill in Missing Letters in Words Starting With Consonant Blends and Digraphs: CH. A printout about consonant blends for early readers: chin, chair, cherry, cheese, chimp, chicken, chimney, children, cheetah, chain.
Fill in Missing Letters in Words Starting With Consonant Blends and Digraphs: CL. A printout about consonant blends for early readers: clock, cloud, clothes, clap, cliff, clown, clam, claws, clarinet, club.
Fill in Missing Letters in Words Starting With Consonant Blends and Digraphs: FL. A printout about consonant blends for early readers: flame, fly, flamingo, flower, flyswatter, Florida, flashcards, flea, flute, flag.
Fill in Missing Letters in Words Starting With Consonant Blends and Digraphs: GR. A printout about consonant blends for early readers: grapes, graph, grapefruit, grater, groundhog, grass, grandma, grizzly bear, grasshopper, grin.
Fill in Missing Letters in Words Starting With Consonant Blends and Digraphs: PL. A printout about consonant blends for early readers: plate, plus, plug, plants, pliers, plume, planets, plane, platypus, plum.
Fill in Missing Letters in Words Starting With Consonant Blends and Digraphs: ST. A printout about consonant blends for early readers: ship, shirt, shelf, shovel, shampoo, sheep, shorts, shoes, shoulder, shell.
Fill in Missing Letters in Words Starting With Consonant Blends and Digraphs: ST. A printout about consonant blends for early readers: spoon, spool, sparrow, spiral, spatula, sponge, spout, spigot, sparkler, spider.
Fill in Missing Letters in Words Starting With Consonant Blends and Digraphs: ST. A printout about consonant blends for early readers: star, stamp, steak, statue, starfish, stool, stapler, stop, Stegosaurus, stump.
Fill in Missing Letters in Words Starting With Consonant Blends and Digraphs: TH. A printout about consonant blends for early readers: thumb, think, thermometer, thermos, thick, thin, thimble, thousand, theater, thigh.
Fill in Missing Letters in Words Starting With Consonant Blends and Digraphs: TR. A printout about consonant blends for early readers: truck, train, triangle, tractor, trumpet, trash, treasure, train, trombone, trunk.
Fill in Missing Letters in Words Starting With Consonant Blends and Digraphs: WH. A printout about consonant blends for early readers: wheel, whale, whistle, when, wheelbarrow, whip, whiskers, whirlwind, wheelchair, wheat.
Spelling Word Question Worksheets
In these worksheets, the student answers simple questions using a list of spelling words.
AN Spelling Word Questions - A printout about Sports words for early readers. Answer each of the questions using one of the spelling words: an, ban, band, can, fan, hand, man, pan, ran, sand, tan, van.
AR Spelling Word Questions - A printout about Sports words for early readers. Answer each of the questions using one of the spelling words: are, arm, barn, car, far, hard, park, part, smart, star, yard, yarn.
AT Spelling Word Questions - A printout about Sports words for early readers. Answer each of the questions using one of the spelling words: at, bats, cat, chat, fat, hat, mat, pat, rat, sat, spat, vat.
ED Spelling Word Questions - A printout about Sports words for early readers. Answer each of the questions using one of the spelling words: bed, bled, bred, fed, fled, led, red, shed, shred, sled, sped, wed.
Find Words Starting with Consonant Blends
In these printable worksheets, the student thinks of and writes down words related to a topic.
Think of and write eight words that start with bl and write a sentence with each of them: A printout about blended consonant sounds and spelling for early readers.
Think of and write eight words that start with br and write a sentence with each of them: A printout about blended consonant sounds and spelling for early readers.
Think of and write eight words that start with ch and write a sentence with each of them: A printout about blended consonant sounds and spelling for early readers.
Think of and write eight words that start with cl and write a sentence with each of them: A printout about blended consonant sounds and spelling for early readers.
Think of and write eight words that start with cr and write a sentence with each of them: A printout about blended consonant sounds and spelling for early readers.
Think of and write eight words that start with dr and write a sentence with each of them: A printout about blended consonant sounds and spelling for early readers.
Think of and write eight words that start with Fl and write a sentence with each of them: A printout about blended consonant sounds and spelling for early readers.
Think of and write eight words that start with Fr and write a sentence with each of them: A printout about blended consonant sounds and spelling for early readers.
Think of and write eight words that start with gl and write a sentence with each of them: A printout about blended consonant sounds and spelling for early readers.
Think of and write eight words that start with gr and write a sentence with each of them: A printout about blended consonant sounds and spelling for early readers.
Think of and write eight words that start with pl and write a sentence with each of them: A printout about blended consonant sounds and spelling for early readers.
Think of and write eight words that start with pr and write a sentence with each of them: A printout about blended consonant sounds and spelling for early readers.
Think of and write eight words that start with SC and write a sentence with each of them: A printout about blended consonant sounds and spelling for early readers.
Think of and write eight words that start with Sh and write a sentence with each of them: A printout about blended consonant sounds and spelling for early readers.
Think of and write eight words that start with Sk and write a sentence with each of them: A printout about blended consonant sounds and spelling for early readers.
Think of and write eight words that start with Sl and write a sentence with each of them: A printout about blended consonant sounds and spelling for early readers.
Think of and write eight words that start with Sm and write a sentence with each of them: A printout about blended consonant sounds and spelling for early readers.
Think of and write eight words that start with Sn and write a sentence with each of them: A printout about blended consonant sounds and spelling for early readers.
Think of and write eight words that start with Sp and write a sentence with each of them: A printout about blended consonant sounds and spelling for early readers.
Think of and write eight words that start with St and write a sentence with each of them: A printout about blended consonant sounds and spelling for early readers.
Think of and write eight words that start with Sw and write a sentence with each of them: A printout about blended consonant sounds and spelling for early readers.
Think of and write eight words that start with Th and write a sentence with each of them: A printout about blended consonant sounds and spelling for early readers.
Think of and write eight words that start with Tr and write a sentence with each of them: A printout about blended consonant sounds and spelling for early readers.
Think of and write eight words that start with Tw and write a sentence with each of them: A printout about blended consonant sounds and spelling for early readers.
Think of and write eight words that start with wh and write a sentence with each of them: A printout about blended consonant sounds and spelling for early readers.
Think of and write eight words that start with wr and write a sentence with each of them: A printout about blended consonant sounds and spelling for early readers.
Think of and write eight words that start with Scr and write a sentence with each of them: A printout about blended consonant sounds and spelling for early readers.
Think of and write eight words that start with Shr and write a sentence with each of them: A printout about blended consonant sounds and spelling for early readers.
Think of and write eight words that start with spl and write a sentence with each of them: A printout about blended consonant sounds and spelling for early readers.
Think of and write eight words that start with Spr and write a sentence with each of them: A printout about blended consonant sounds and spelling for early readers.
Think of and write eight words that start with Squ and write a sentence with each of them: A printout about blended consonant sounds and spelling for early readers.
Think of and write eight words that start with Str and write a sentence with each of them: A printout about blended consonant sounds and spelling for early readers.
Think of and write eight words that start with Thr and write a sentence with each of them: A printout about blended consonant sounds and spelling for early readers.
Write Words Starting with Blends
Write Words That Start With Consonant Blends.
Think of and write words that start with bl, br, ch, and cl. Then add up how many you have of each.
Think of and write words that start with cr, dr, fl, and fr. Then add up how many you have of each.
Think of and write words that start with gl, gr, pl, and pr. Then add up how many you have of each.
Think of and write words that start with sc, sk, sl, and squ. Then add up how many you have of each.
Think of and write words that start with sm, sn, sp, and st. A printout about blended consonant sounds and spelling.
Think of and write words that start with sw, th, tr, and tw. Then add up how many you have of each.
Think of and write words that start with scr, shr, and spl. Then add up how many you have of each.
Think of and write words that start with spr, str, and thr. Then add up how many you have of each.
Think of and write words that start with sh, wh, and wr. Then add up how many you have of each.
Word Wheels to Print
These 2-page print-outs make word wheels; each one consists of a base page together with a wheel that spins around. When you spin the wheel, words that are formed, one at a time. The student then writes down the words that are formed by the word wheel.
Word Wheel - AKE Words: This 2-page print-out makes a word wheel; it consists of a base page together with a wheel that spins around. When you spin the wheel, six words that rhyme with
Word Wheel - AN Words: This 2-page print-out makes a word wheel; it consists of a base page together with a wheel that spins around. When you spin the wheel, six words that rhyme with
Word Wheel - AR Words: This 2-page print-out makes a word wheel; it consists of a base page together with a wheel that spins around. When you spin the wheel, six words that rhyme with
Word Wheel - AT Words: This 2-page print-out makes a word wheel; it consists of a base page together with a wheel that spins around. When you spin the wheel, six words that rhyme with
Word Wheel - EN Words: This 2-page print-out makes a word wheel; it consists of a base page together with a wheel that spins around. When you spin the wheel, six words that rhyme with
Make Words Wheel : This 2-page print-out makes a words wheel; it consists of a base page together with a wheel that spins around. When you spin the wheel, words appear, combining c, f, g, h, l, p, t, and s with ab, ad, am, an, ap, ar, as, and at. Write as many words as you can that are made using the wheel.
Make Words Wheel -e- This 2-page print-out makes a words wheel; it consists of a base page together with a wheel that spins around. When you spin the wheel, words appear, combining b, g, h, l, m, p, s, and w with eb, ed, eg, em, en, er, et, and ew. Write as many words as you can that are made using the wheel.
Make Words Wheel -i- This 2-page print-out makes a words wheel; it consists of a base page together with a wheel that spins around. When you spin the wheel, words appear, combining b, d, f, h, l, r, s, and w with ib, id, ig, im, in, ip, it, and ix. Write as many words as you can that are made using the wheel.
Make Words Wheel -o- : This 2-page print-out makes a words wheel; it consists of a base page together with a wheel that spins around. When you spin the wheel, words appear, combining b, c, d, h, p, r, s, and t with ob, od, og, on, op, ot, ow, and ox. Write as many words as you can that are made using the wheel.
Make Words Wheel -u- This 2-page print-out makes a words wheel; it consists of a base page together with a wheel that spins around. When you spin the wheel, words appear, combining b, c, d, h, p, r, s, and t with ub, ud, ug, un, up, ur, us, and ut. Write as many words as you can that are made using the wheel.